Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moose Baby!

Hannah is getting so big. Weighing in at well over ten pounds! A friend brought over her 6 day old daughter yesterday (barely 6 pounds) and she makes Hannah look like a moose baby! She's really starting to fill out. She has chubby little thighs and the most kissable chubby cheeks. Which daddy says, were made for his kisses!

She is discovering the use of her legs and likes to stand up all of the time. My favorite is when she's fussy, and daddy is trying to burp her. She'll be standing there, just crying away, but she refuses to sit down. Poor thing! She is getting very strong though.

She's also getting very vocal. We have heart to heart mother-daughter talks all the time. It's fun to talk with her, and listen to her change the sound of her voice to match my tone. I'm happy so she's happy and then I get all serious and she starts to get whiny. :)

She's doing really well at sleeping at night. For the most part, she sleeps six hours. She has started this new thing of thinking that she only needs to take one nap a day. So she will nap in the morning and be cranky the rest of the day and then pass out at 8:00. I'm trying to break her of that habit. It makes for some very long evenings.


  1. Wow! It is amazing that she is growing so much :) Moose baby, lol!

    Thanks for sharing! I love you all!

  2. That's SO great! She is SO adorable... I'm really glad that you do these blogs. You should pring them out and make a little book!!
